Safety Clinic:
I took the in house clinic at the coaches meeting so my coaching staff is good for this year. Your Spring season coaching staff is good for this year if at least you or another one of your coaches has taken a 2023 Skills Clinic, and all of you are current in both clinics in the past 3 years (2023-2022-2021).
Although it is fantastic if other coaches want to take the course, nobody else is required to take the safety course for our team to be in compliance correct? See answer above. They must have taken the Safety Clinic in the past 3 years.
Skills Clinic:
One person from each team must take the skills clinic in person each year.
It is required or recommended? Required (see requirements below). At least one of your coaches in your coaching staff must have taken a 2023 Skills Clinic.
If a coach from last year attended the skills clinic are we in compliance? No. At least one of your coaches on your staff must have taken a 2023 Skills Clinic.
If one coach from our team takes it then we are in compliance as a team? Only if everyone on the coaching staff has taken both a Safety AND Skills in the past 3 years (2023, 2022, or 2021).
Where can I find out info on when and where the next location of a skills clinic is if we have to take it? See the District 33 home page for upcoming events.We do not schedule the clinics unless we hold a in-house clinic. The dates are provided to us by our District 33 Coaching Coordinator. As soon as we get clinic information from the District, the league will forward it to all Managers to send to their coaching staff.
Coaching/Skills & Safety Clinic Requirements:
- Every coach must be current with BOTH Safety and Skills Clinic from the last 3 years.
- At least One member of each Coaching Team must be current with a 2023 Clinic.
- Managers and Coaches will NOT be able to participate in any post tournament (and should not be Coaching at all) without being certified.
Concussion Course/Certificate:
I have taken the course but to be in compliance who else actually needs to take the course from my team?
Just me? No. The complete coaching staff.
All my coaches? The complete coaching staff (including you of course)
Everyone that submits a volunteer form (can’t see a team mom needing to take it)? No. Just the complete coaching staff.
Majors Division ONLY: Keep a copy of the certificate in your Spring Season Binder!
Volunteer Form Process:
Anyone that will basically come into contact with players needs to fill out the volunteer form correct? Yes. Managers, 2 Official coaches, team parents and any extra helpers for practices. Each team should have 6 volunteers per team submitted!
I collect all the volunteer forms and a copy of their drivers license and submit to the league? You can do it that way. The most important thing is that they reach our Safety Officer.
Do I get notification back they are cleared? Yes, our Safety Officer will upload and post a list of all cleared volunteers on our website.
I have some volunteers saying they submitted their form on player info drop-off dates so how do I confirm that? If we received their form and they cleared their background check, they will be on the cleared volunteer list on the Safety Tab on our website.
Majors & Minors Score-keeping:
Every game I will need 1 person to either count pitches or do the score-book correct? Yes. The Home team is the official scorekeeper and the Visitors team does pitch count and runs the scoreboard.
Can you give me the date/time/location for the training on the score-book? The district or SCLL will hold a in-house clinic. Info will be emailed to the Managers & Team parents to pass to their scorekeepers.
Where do I get the Scoreboard remote and the Official scorekeeper book? If you are the first or ONLY game of the day pick up the book and scoreboard remote from the front window of the Snack Bar. The scoreboard switch breaker at the scoreboard must be on (UP position) for the scoreboard to work. After the game or last game of the day return the scoreboard remote in its case and the Official book to the Snack Bar and don’t forget to turn off the scoreboard (Down position).
Can you give me an idea of how many people in your experience shows that we should get trained? The best way to answer that is "as many as you can". You should try to avoid having just a few parents knowing how to score-keep. I do not recommend relying only on the same one or two parents scoring games for your team. Rookies parents are encouraged to attend the clinic so they see what’s coming up in the next division.
Coaches Umpiring:
Attendance of the District Umpire clinic (usually at SCLL)? Highly recommended.
For the 2023 Season we umpire five games to meet the requirement for our team? Yes.
If we want to umpire more games we can but if we don’t it will not impact our seeding in TOC (as a tiebreaker or something like that)? It does not impact seeding.
Game Schedule:
When will we get the schedule so that we can plan the practices, etc? Game Schedule is expected to be released to Managers up to a week before opening day. Practice schedule up to opening day are released usually a week after the draft is done. Then a practice schedule for the rest of the season is released a week before opening day.
Rainy Days:
An email blast will go out ONLY if the Fields are closed.
Things/Questions to remember before leaving the fields....
*Did we drag the field?
*Were the bases put away?
*Are the bins locked before we leave the field?
*Did we return the scoreboard remote and official book to the snack bar?
*Did we turn off the scoreboard at the main switch in the down position?
*Did we take down the flag, fold it properly and return it to the snack bar?
*Did we lock the Majors score booth properly closing the front face and locking the lock?