Player Safety
SCLL's primary concern is player safety! To that end, we follow Little League International guidelines in three areas:
Safety Plan:
1. A published 2024 Safety Plan that documents rules around player and volunteer safety during all baseball activities. It includes info about background checks for volunteers, concussion awareness, first aid, etc.
To report an injury or accident, managers should fill out the incident and injury tracking form.
Concussion Training:
2. Concussion information sheet and acknowledgement for players and parents, and Heads Up Concussion Online Course for managers, coaches, and Board members. Online Concussion Training
Abuse and Awareness Training:
3. Abuse awareness and prevention guidelines and training. Abuse Awareness Training Course - Little League
SCA (Sudden Cardiac Arrest) Fact Sheets & Training:
All coaches, managers, and officials must complete a free 20-min. SCA Prevention training video, and download the certificate.
Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Training
SCA Fact Sheet for Parents 2023
SCA Fact Sheet for Coaches & Officials 2023
AED (Automated External Defibrillator) Training Video:
The AED is located in the SCLL snack bar.
Questions about these guidelines and safety at SCLL can be emailed to [email protected].